● Max. wheel velocity exceeds 20km/h and the wheel velocity is 40% of max. wheel velocity. if this condition is lasted for 2 minutes.
● Max. wheel velocity exceeds 40km/h and the wheel velocity is 60% of max. wheel velocity. if this condition is lasted for 2 minutes.
● Controller counts the number of the wheel acceleration of 100g[(25km/h) for 7ms]. When the numbers at one wheel exceed 56 times, or When the numbers at more two wheels exceed 5 times, controller recognize the failure.
● Controller counts the number of the wheel acceleration of 70g[(17.5km/h) for 7ms]. When the numbers at one wheel exceed 126 times, or When the numbers at more two wheels exceed 20 times, controller recognize the failure.
● Controller counts the number of the wheel deceleration of -100g[(-25km/h) for 7ms]. When the numbers at each wheel exceed 56 times, controller recognize the failure.
● The wheel deceleration of –100g[(-25km/h) for 7ms] causes the controller to start monitoring this failure and to compare the wheel velocity with the vehicle velocity from next cycle. When its difference of -100g is continued for more than 140msec, controller recognize the failure.
● In case that any sensor failure at other wheel was already detected, When the numbers of 100g at each wheel exceed 5 times, or When the numbers of 70g at each wheel exceed 20 times, controller recognize the failure.
- The counter of speed jump is cleared every 30min.
- This monitoring is performed for the period that the velocity of each wheel exceeds 2km/h.
1. Only one wheel failure : Inhibit the ABS/ESP control, allow the EBD control. The ABS/ESP warning lamps are activated, the EBD warning lamp is not activated.
2. More than two wheels failure : The ABS/EBD/ESP functions are inhibited. The ABS/EBD/ESP warning lamps are activated.
Đặt một con cảm biến liền Moay-o lên thay.Thay con đã báo lỗi đó.99 % khỏi bệnh.Cảm biến ABS không phải nhìn trên data list thấy nó báo tốc độ về đầy đủ là nó còn sống đâu.Dịch phần bên trên nhé.