Danh sách tài liệu và link về Control engineering (5)
Design of Simple and Robust Process Plants (J. L. A. Koolen].pdf
Over the years, many scientists have pondered the fundamentals of engineering disciplines, including the strategy of process engineering and the logistics of chemical manufacturing. ln turn, this has led to many system studies and even schools of study of the process design engineer’s vvorlc. Although many rules and regulations have been developed for system studies, production scheduling and
production logistics, very fevv of these are actually used in the process industry.
The book assumes that the reader does not know much about process control.
Accordingly, Chapter 1 presents the very basics of process control. While several things are presented in Chapter 1, the main goals of the chapter are (1) to present why process control is needed, (2) to present the basic components of a control system, (3) to define some terms, and (4) to present the concept of feedback control with its advantages, disadvantages, and limitations.
To do good process control there are at least three things the practitioner should know and fully understand: (1) the process, (2) the process, and (3) the process! Chapter 2 presents a discussion of processes from a very physical point of view. Everything presented in this chapter is used extensively in all remaining chapters.
Chapter 3 presents a discussion of feedback controllers, and specifically, the workhorse in the process industry: the PID controller. A significant effort is made to explain each tuning parameter in detail as well as the different types of controllers, with their advantages and disadvantages. In the chapter we describe how to tune, adjust, or adapt the controller to the process. Finally, we discuss the important topics of reset windup, tracking, and tuning flow and level loops. Throughout the presentation, the use of distributed control systems (DCSs) is stressed. Problems are presented
at the end of Chapters 2 and 3 to practice what was presented.
This is not a book about how to use LabVIEW or even a book on learning digital signal processing (DSP). Instead it is more of a practical guide on how to enable LabVIEW to tackle some real-world DSP and communication problems. This book assumes that the reader has a good grasp of many of the complex issuesencountered in DSP and digital communications and also is at least skilled enough in LabVIEW to build a VI. When necessary, the book will dive into the heart of signal processing topics and their implications will be explored. Certain topics will be explained in enough detail so that the reader will know there is no hand waving or mystery involved. This material is meant to bridge the gap
between obtaining theoretical knowledge and actually exercising that knowledge. LabVIEW provides us with an excellent set of tools for examining all sorts f DSP and digital communication topics. Its graphical nature allows us to quickly and efficiently get to the core of a communication problem without all the overhead that generally accompanies a digital communication system. This book will start out at the beginning of the DSP realm—sampling a signal. The intermediate chapters will cover some basic building blocks and the final chapters will put it all together as a digital communication system.
PracticaI Modern.SCADA.ProtocoIs.DNP3.60870.and.Related.Systems.pdf
This is a comprehensive book covering the essentials of SCADA communication systems focusing on
DNP3 and the other new developments in this area. It commences with a brief review of the
fundamentals of SCADA systems hardware, software and the typical communications systems (such
as RS-232, RS-485, Ethernet and TCP/IP) that connect the SCADA operator stations together.
A solid review is then done on the DNP3 and IEC 60870-5 protocol where the features, message
structure, practical benefits and applications are discussed. The book is intended to be product
independent but examples will be taken from existing products to ensure that all aspects of the
protocols are covered.
DNP3 is an open protocol developed by Harris Controls Division, Distributed Automation Products in the early 1990s and released to the industry based DNP3 Users Group in November 1993. Much of the material on DNP3 contained within this text is based substantially on the documentation available from the DNP3 Users Group, with interpretation and presentation by the author. The author has tried to identify cases in the text where material has been reproduced directly from user group standards or other sources, and apology is offered if there are any inadvertent oversights in doing this.
This book provides you with the tools to design your next SCADA system more effectively using
open protocols and to draw on the latest technologies.
After reading this you should be able to:
Explain the fundamentals of DNP3 and associated SCADA protocols
Demonstrate knowledge of the ‘nuts and bolts’ about selecting DNP3 based systems
Apply the best current practice for data communications for SCADA systems
Have a good working knowledge of the DNP3 and IEC 60870-5 protocols
Troubleshoot simple problems with the DNP3
Explain how UCA is structured and works
Provide a working explanation of SCADA protocols and how they should be structured and applied
Apply ‘best practice’ decisions on the best and most cost effective use of
SCADA open protocols for your company
Prentice Hall- PLC Programming Methods and Applications.pdf
Most textbooks related to programmable controllers start with the basics of ladder logic, Boolean algebra, contacts, coils and all the other aspects of learning to program PLCs. However, once they get more deeply into the subject, they generally narrow the field of view to one particular manufacturer's unit (usually one of the more popular brands and models), and concentrate on programming that device with it's capabilities and peculiarities. This is worthwhile if the desire is to learn to program that unit. However, after finishing the PLC course, the student will most likely be employed in a position designing, programming, and maintaining systems using PLCs of another brand or model, or even more likely, many machines with many different brands and models of PLC. It seems to the authors that it would be more advantageous to approach the study of PLCs using a general language that provides a thorough knowledge of programming concepts that can be adapted to all controllers. This language would be based on a collection of different manufacturer types with generally the same programming technique and capability. Although it would be impossible to teach one programming language and technique that would be applicable to each and every programmable controller on the market, the student can be given a thorough insight into programming methods with this general approach which will allow him or her to easily adapt to any PLC encountered. Therefore, the goal of this text is to help the student develop a good general working knowledge of programmable controllers with concentration on relay ladder logic techniques and how the PLC is connected to external components in an operating control system. In the course of this work, the student will be presented with real world programming problems that can be solved on any available programmable controller or PLC simulator. Later chapters in this text relate to more advanced subjects that are more suitable for an advanced course in machine controls. The authors desire that this text not only be used to learn programmable logic controllers, but also that this text will become part of the student’s personal technical reference library.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/FVxuTCt/Prentice Hall - PLC Programming Methods and Applications.pdf
Productive Safety Management.pdf
Productive Safety Management described in this book is a multi-disciplinary, total management system that embraces occupational health and safety (OHS), human resource and environmental management, and engineering fields. The book has wide application and has been written for managers and supervisors
working in hazardous industries, OHS practitioners, university lecturers, graduate and post-graduate students, management professionals and engineers.
The aims of the book are to:
provide a management system that allows production, safety and quality to be pursued concurrently in hazardous industries;
improve the understanding of the nature of risk and its impact on company systems;
improve risk management so that injuries are prevented and damage is minimized;
describe, by way of practical example, the sources of risk in hazardous industries and how these can be managed;
provide a method for ranking relative levels of risk so that managers are able to confidently allocate resources for risk reduction and control;
enhance the understanding of organizational decision-making as it relates to the development of safety systems;
explain that legal compliance and social responsibility are prerequisites for sustainable business;
give managers the behavioral skills to implement the management system effectively;
explain how to develop a strong productive safety culture;
explain how to build workforce competencies and maximize the return on investment in training; and
present a performance management system that provides structure, accountability and feedback using measures that balance productivity, safety, quality, financial and customer, compliance and social responsibility objectives.
Wiley SA Sons - Broadband Powerline Communications - Network Design.pdf
PowerLine Communications technology allows the usage of electrical power supply
networks for communications purposes and, today, also broadband communication services. The main idea behind PLC is the reduction in operational costs and expenditure for realization of new telecommunications networks. Using electrical supply networks for telecommunications has also been known since the beginning of the twentieth century. Thus high-, medium- and low-voltage supply networks have been used for internal communications of electrical utilities and for the realization of remote measuring and control tasks. PLC is also used in internal electrical installations within buildings and homes (the so-called in-home PLC) for various communications applications. Generally,
we can divide PLC systems into two groups: narrowband PLC allowing communications services with relatively low data rates (up to 100 kbps) and ensuring realization of various automation and control applications as well as a few voice channels, and broadband PLC systems allowing data rates beyond 2Mbps and, accordingly, realization of a number of typical telecommunications services in parallel, such as telephony and internet access. Broadband PLC in low-voltage supply networks seems to be a cost-effective solution for “last mile” communications networks, the so-called PLC access networks. Nowadays, there are many activities concerned with the development and application of PLC technology
in the access area. Thus, we find a number of manufacturers offering PLC products that ensure data rates between 2 and 4Mbps and announcing new PLC systems with data rates up to 45 Mbps or more. There are also numerous PLC field trials worldwide, as well as several PLC access networks in commercial use.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/FBfMJjA/Wireless Sensor Networks Architectures and Protocols - CRC Press.chm
Computer-based supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems have evolved over the past 40 years, from standalone, compartmentalized operations into networked architectures that communicate across large distances. In addition, their implementations have migrated from custom hardware and software to standard hardware and software platforms. These changes have led to reduced dvelopment, operational, and maintenance costs as well as providing executive management with real-time information that can be used to support planning, supervision, and decision making. These benefits, however, come with a cost. The once semi-isolated industrial control systems using proprietary
hardware and software are now vulnerable to intrusions through external networks, including the Internet, as well as from internal personnel. These attacks take advantage of vulnerabilities in standard platforms, such as Windows, and PCs that have been adopted for use in SCADA systems.
This situation might be considered a natural progression of moderate concern—as in many other areas using digital systems—if it were not for the fact that these SCADA systems are controlling a large percentage of the United States’ and the world’s critical infrastructures, such as nuclear power plants,electricity generating plants, pipelines, refineries, and chemical plants. In addition, they are directly and indirectly involved in providing services to seaports, transportation systems, pipelines, manufacturing plants, and many other critical enterprises.
Broadband Powerline Communications - Network Design.pdf
Product Description
Broadband Powerline Communications: Network Design covers the applications of broadband PLC systems in low-voltage supply networks, a promising candidate for the realization of cost effective solutions for “last mile” communications networks. There are many activities surrounding the development and application of PLC technology in the access area, particularly because of strong interest of new network providers after the deregulation of telecommunications market. Nowadays, there are no existing standards for broadband PLC networks, which use a frequency range up to 30 MHz.
This book includes relevant and timely information regarding broadband PLC systems and especially PLC access networks and contributions to the design aspects of broadband PLC access systems and their network components.
This book:
• Offers explanations on how broadband PLC networks are realized, what the important characteristics for the transmission on electrical power grids are, and which implementation solutions have been recently considered for the realization of broadband PLC systems.
• Considers various system realizations, disturbance scenarios and their impact the transmission in PLC networks, electro-magnetic compatibility, applied modulation schemes, coding, and error handling methods.
• Pays particular attention to the specifics of the PLC MAC layer and its protocols, as well as the modelling and performance evaluation of broadband PLC networks.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/QYzPM3J/Wiley & Sons - Broadband Powerline Communications - Network Design.pdf
<TODO> Some sections are still in point form. The last major task of this book will be to write the preface to reflect the book contents and all of the features.
Control systems apply artificial means to change the behavior of a system. The type of control problem often determines the type of control system that can be used. Each controller will be designed to meet a specific objective. The major types of control are shown in Figure 1.1.
Continuous - The values to be controlled change smoothly. e.g. the speed of a car. • Logical - The value to be controlled are easily described as on-off. e.g. the car motor is on-off. NOTE: all systems are continuous but they can be treated as logical for simplicity.
e.g. “When I do this, that always happens!” For example, when the power is turned on, the press closes!
• Linear - Can be described with a simple differential equation. This is the preferred starting point for simplicity, and a common approximation for real world problems.
e.g. A car can be driving around a track and can pass same the same spot at a constant velocity. But, the longer the car runs, the mass decreases, and it travels faster, but requires less gas, etc. Basically, the math gets tougher, and the problem becomes non-linear.
e.g. We are driving the perfect car with no friction, with no drag, and can predict how it will work perfectly.
• Non-Linear - Not Linear. This is how the world works and the mathematics become much more complex.
e.g. As rocket approaches sun, gravity increases, so control must change.
• Sequential - A logical controller that will keep track of time and previous events.
Electrical Engineering - Digital Data Measurement.pdf
This handbook is intended for newcomers to the field of data acquisition and signal conditioning. Emphasis is given to general discussions of ADC measurement and the signal conditioning requirements of selected transducer types. For more detailed descriptions of the signal conditioning schemes discussed, contact IOtech for Applications
Notes and Product Specification Sheets. Additional information on IOtech products is available in Chapter 9, a product selection guide.
Most measurements begin with a transducer, a device that converts a measurable physical quality, such as temperature, strain, or acceleration, to an electrical signal. Transducers are available for a wide range of measurements, and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and specifications. This book is intended to serve as a primer for making measurements by interfacing transducers to a computer using signal conditioning.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/7xqursp/Electrical Engineering - Digital Data Measurement.pdf
Elsevier, SensorTechnology l-landbook_MAZ.pdf
Elsevier, SensorTechnology l-landbook_MAZ.pdf
In this volume, we attempted to balance breadth and depth in a single, practical and up-to-date resource. Understanding sensor design and operation typically requires a cross-disciplinary background, as it draws from electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. This reference pulls together the most crucial information needed by those who design sensor systems and work with sensors of all types, written by experts from industry and academia. While it would be impossible to cover each and every sensor in use today, we attempted to provide as broad a range of sensor types and applications as possible. The latest technologies, from piezo materials to micro and nano sensors to wireless networks, are discussed, as well as the tried and true methodologies. In addition, information on design, interfacing and signal conditioning is given for each sensor type.
Organized primarily by sensor application, the book is cross-referenced with indices of sensor technology. Manufacturers are listed by sensor type. The other contributors and I have attempted to provide a useful handbook with technical explanations that are clear, simple and thorough. We will also attempt to keep it updated as the technology advances.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/ZHm4n8Z/Elsevier, Sensor Technology Handbook_MAZ.pdf
Engineering Measurements Methods and Intrinsic Errors.pdf
Over the years, many scientists have pondered the fundamentals of engineering disciplines, including the strategy of process engineering and the logistics of chemical manufacturing. ln turn, this has led to many system studies and even schools of study of the process design engineer’s vvorlc. Although many rules and regulations have been developed for system studies, production scheduling and production logistics, very fevv of these are actually used in the process industry.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/TnYSk2f/Engineering Measurements Methods and Intrinsic Errors.pdf
good Interfacing Sensors To The PC.pdf
This book presents ha.rdwa.re and software designs for interfacing a variety of sensors to the IBM PC. it discusses each sensor and the associated electronic circuitry necessary to condition its output for interface to the PC. Examples for the use of each sensor together with a computer program that shows how to capture and use the information provided by the sensor are also included.
In this book, three different programming languages will be used for examples:
BASIC, assembly language, and C. We give BASIC examples because this is the language most likely to be understood by the majority of the readers. We provide Intel 8088 assembly language examples to demonstrate use of the language that can extract the maximal performance from the computer.
We use C language examples to show the language that is the best compromise for instrumentation applications combining features of both high and low level languages. C provides a signilicant improvement over assembly language for implementing many applications. It is standardized and structured. Programs are based on functions that can be evolved independently of one another and put together to implement an application. These functions are to software what black boxes are to hardware. tf their 1/O properties are carefully specified in advance, functions cart be developed by many different software designers working on different aspects of the same project. These functions cart then be linked together to implement the software design of a system.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/GBNcEDe/good Interfacing Sensors To The PC.pdf
Good Sensors Applications - Vol2. Sensors in Intelligent Buildings [W...
Both the publishers and the series editors, however, were agreed from the start that eventually sensor users would want to see publications only dealing with their own specific technical or scientific fields. Sure enough, during the Nineties we saw significant developments in applications for sensor technology, and it is now an indispensable part of many industrial processes and systems. It is timely, therefore, to launch a new series, Sensors Applications. WILEY-VCH again commissioned Wolfgang Göpel and Joachim Hesse to plan the series, but sadly Wolfgang Göpel suffered a fatal accident in June 1999 and did not live to see publication. We are fortunate that Julian Gardner of the University of Warwick has been able to take his place, but Wolfgang Göpel remains a co-editor posthumously and will not be forgotten.
The series of Sensors Applications will deal with the use of sensors in the key technical and economic sectors and systems: Sensors in Manufacturing, Intelligent Buildings, Medicine and Health Care, Automotive Technology, Aerospace Technology, Environmental Technology and Household Appliances. Each volume will be edited by specialists in the field. Individual volumes may differ in certain respects as dictated by the topic
http://www.fileserve.com/file/UFzqj3j/good Sensors Applications - Vol2. Sensors in Intelligent Buildings [Wiley & Sons].pdf
good Sensors_AppIications_VoI1.Sensors_in_Manufacturing.pdf
The series of Sensors Applications will deal with the use of sensors in the key
technical and economic sectors and systems: Sensors in Manufacturing, Intelligent
Buildings, Medicine and Health Care, Automotive Technology, Aerospace Technology,
Environmental Technology and Household Appliances. Each volume will be edited by
specialists in the field. Individual volumes may differ in certain respects as dictated
by the topic, but the emphasis in each case will be on the process or system
in question: which sensor is used, where, how and why, and exactly what the benefits
are to the user. The process or system itself will of course be outlined and the volume will close with a look ahead to likely developments and applications in
the future. Actual sensor functions will only be described where it seems necessary
for an understanding of how they relate to the process or system. The basic
principles can always be found in the earlier series of Sensors and Sensors Update.
The series editors would like to express their warm appreciation in the colleagues
who have contributed their expertise as volume editors or authors. We are
deeply indebted to the publisher and would like to thank in particular Dr. Peter
Gregory, Dr. Jörn Ritterbusch and Dr. Claudia Barzen for their constructive assistance
both with the editorial detail and the publishing venture in general. We
trust that our endeavors will meet with the reader’s approval.
Handbook of Sensor Networkspact Wireless.pdf
As the field of communications networks continues to evolve, a very interesting and challenging area wireless sensor networks — is rapidly coming of age. A wireless sensor network consists of a large number of sensor nodes that may be randomly and densely deployed. Sensor nodes are small electronic components capable of sensing many types of information from the environment, including temperature; light; humidity; radiation; the presence or nature of biological organisms; geological features; seismic vibrations; specific types of computer data; and more. Recent advancements have made it possible to make these components small, powerful, and energy efficient and they can now be manufactured cost-effectively in quantity for specialized telecommunications applications. Very small in size, the sensor nodes are capable of gathering, processing, and communicating information to other nodes and to the outside world. Based on the information handling capabilities and compact size of the sensor nodes, sensor networks are often referred to as “smart dust.”
Sensor networks have numerous applications, including health; agriculture; geology; retail; military; home; and emergency management. Sensor network research and development derive many concepts and protocols from distributed computer networks such as the Internet; however, several technical challenges in sensor networks need to be addressed due to the specialized nature of the sensors and the fact that many sensor network applications may involve remote mobile sensors with limited power sources that must dynamically adapt to their environment. This handbook proposes to capture the current state of sensor networks and to serve as a source of comprehensive reference material on them.
The handbook has a total of 40 chapters written by experts from around the world and is divided into the following nine sections:
1. Introduction
2. Applications
3. Architecture
4. Protocols
5. Tracking technologies
6. Data gathering and processing
7. Energy management
8. Security, reliability, and fault tolerance
9. Performance and design aspects
The targeted audience for this handbook includes professionals who are designers and/or planners for emerging telecommunication networks; researchers (faculty members and graduate students); and those who would like to learn about this field.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/ccmWs5B/Handbook of Sensor Networkspact Wireless.pdf
Linear Position Sensors_Theory and Application (Wiley,2003].pdf
Sensors are used in cars to measure many safety- and performance-related parameters, including throttle position, temperature, composition of the exhaust gas, suspension height, pedal position, transmission gear position, and
vehicle acceleration. In clothes-washing machines, sensors measure water level and temperature, load size, and drum position variation. Industrial process machinery requires the measurement of position, velocity, and acceleration, in addition to chemical composition, process pressure, temperature, and so on.
Position measurement comprises a large portion of the worldwide requirement for sensors. In this book we explain the theory and application of the technologies used in sensors and transducers for the measurement of linear position.
There is often some hesitation in selecting the proper word, sensor or transducer, since the meanings of the terms are somewhat overlapping in normal use. In Chapter 1 we present working definitions of these and other, sometimes
confusing, terms used in the field of sensing technology. In Chapter 2 we explain how the performance of linear position transducers is specified. In the remaining chapters we present the theory supporting an understanding of the
prominent technologies in use in linear position transducer products. Application guidance and examples are included.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/9ZsaeWr/Linear Position Sensors_Theory and Application (Wiley,2003).pdf
Radio Engineering forWireless Communication and SensorAppl.pdf
This book provides the reader with the basics in radio engineering, the techniques needed to generate, control, detect, and use radio waves. The text approaches the relevant problems both from the electromagnetic theory based on Maxwell’s equations and from the circuit theory based on Kirchoff and Ohm’s laws. Brief introductions to the electromagnetic theory as well as to the circuit theory are provided. Besides passive transmission lines and components, active RF circuits are also addressed. The treatment of the fundamentals of antennas and radio wave propagation in this book leads the reader to radio systems with noise and modulation considerations. Finally, a broad range of applications are described in addition to various wireless communication applications: radionavigation, radar, radiometry, remote sensing, radio astronomy, RF sensors, power and medical applications, and electronic warfare. The book ends with a short review of biological effects and safety standards. While numerous books specializing in various topics of radio engineering are available, this book gives a well-balanced, general overview of the whole topic. To the authors’ knowledge, there are no similar books available.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/fkQsARz/Radio Engineering for Wireless Communication and Sensor Appl.pdf
SensorArray Signal Processing.pdf
The book is based on a course entitled “Digital Array Processing” offered to the graduate students who had already taken a course on digital signal processing (DSP) and a course on modern spectrum analysis (MSA). It has been my conviction that a student should be exposed to all basic concepts cutting across the different disciplines without being burdened with the questions of practical applications which are usually dealt with in specialty courses. The most satisfying experience is that there is a common thread that connects seemingly different tools used in different disciplines. An example is beamformation, a commonly used tool in radar/sonar, which has a close similarity with stacking used in seismic exploration. I have tried to bring out in this exposition the common thread that exists in the analysis of wavefields used in a wide variety of application areas. The proposed book has a significantly different flavor, both in coverage and depth in comparison with the ones on the market [1-5]. The first book, edited by Haykin, is a collection of chapters, each devoted to an application. It rapidly surveys the state of art in respective application areas but does not go deep enough and describe the basic mathematical theory required for the understanding of array processing. The second book by Ziomek is entirely devoted to array signal processing in
underwater acoustics. It covers in great depth the topic of beamformation by linear and planar arrays but confines to linear methods. Modern array processing tools do not find a place in this book. The third book by Pillai [3] has a very narrow scope as it deals with in great detail only the subspace based methods.
The fourth book by Bouvet and Bienvenu (Eds) is again a collection of papers largely devoted to modern subspace techniques. It is not suitable as a text.
Finally, the present book has some similarities with a book by Johnson and Dudgeon [3] but differs in one important respect, namely, it does not cover the application of arrays to imaging though a brief mention of tomography is made. Also, the present book covers newer material which was not available at the time of the publication of the book by Johnson and Dudgeon
http://www.fileserve.com/file/zA8k6bB/Sensor Array Signal Processing.pdf
Sensors and methodsfor mobile robot positioning.pdf
This book presents and discusses the state-of-the-art in each of the above six categories. The
material is organized in two parts: Part I deals with the sensors used in mobile robot positioning, and Part II discusses the methods and techniques that make use of these sensors.
Mobile robot navigation is a very diverse area, and a useful comparison of different approaches
is difficult because of the lack of commonly accepted test standards and procedures. The esearch
platforms used differ greatly and so do the key assumptions used in different approaches. Further
difficulty arises from the fact that different systems are at different stages in their development. For example, one system may be commercially available, while another system, perhaps with better performance, has been tested only under a limited set of laboratory conditions. For these reasons we generally refrain from comparing or even judging the performance of different systems or techniques. Furthermore, we have not tested most of the systems and techniques, so the results and specifications given in this book are merely quoted from the respective research papers or product spec-sheets.
Because of the above challenges we have defined the purpose of this book to be a survey of the
expanding field of mobile robot positioning. It took well over 1.5 man-years to gather and compile the material for this book; we hope this work will help the reader to gain greater understanding in much less time.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/heSwSMM/Sensors and methods for mobile robot positioning.pdf
Sensors.and.Transducers -3ed_MAZ.pdf
This Lhird ediLion o[` Sem.mr.v and Trmz.m'ure2r.v has been Lhoroughlv revised LO Lake aeeounL o[` Lhe ever-increasing role o[` Lhese eomponenLs and of improvements in design. New Lables ol` properLies and illusLraLions have also been added. The Lopie of swiLehes and swimhing aeLions has also been added beeause so many types of sensor are intended ulLimaLelv LO provide a swimhing ae Lion.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/Aj66Z2w/Sensors.and.Transducers -3ed_MAZ.pdf
Topology Control in Wireless Ad l-loc and Sensor Networks by Paolo...
The material and organization of this book have been adapted from the tutorial I presented at ACM Mobicom 2003, and later on at ACM MobiHoc 2004. In turn, the tutorial finds its origin in a survey paper on topology control that I wrote at the beginning of 2003, which is still in technical report form (the processing time of some journals is actually longer than the time needed to write a book. . .).
The aim of this book is to provide a unique reference resource on topology control in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, a topic that has been a subject of intensive research in recent years. Indeed, this research field is far from being settled, and several new results and proposals are being published. This explains why writing a book on topology control has been very challenging for me. I have done my best to include in the book the most significant results and findings in the field, while at the same time describing in detail the many problems that are still to be solved. While I have tried to be as exhaustive as I could in presenting the topology control approaches introduced in the literature, the reader should bear in mind that what is reported in this book is a picture of this research field taken at the beginning of year 2005.
Link :
http://www.fileserve.com/file/fxcjBhC/Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks by Paolo Santi (2005).pdf
Wireless Sensor Networks Architectures and Protocols - CRC Press.c...
In recent years, the desire for connectivity has caused an exponential growth in wireless communication. Wireless data networks, in particular, have led this trend due to the increasing exchange of data in Internet services such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, and data file transfers. The capabilities needed to deliver such services are characterized by an increasing need for data throughput in the network; applications now under development, such as wireless multimedia distribution in the home, indicate that this trend will continue. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) provide an example of this phenomenon. The original (1997) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) WLAN standard, 802.11, had a gross data rate of 2 megabits per second (Mb/s);[2], [3] the most popular variant now is 802.11b, with a rate of 11 Mb/s;[4] and 802.11a, with a rate of 54 Mb/s, is now entering the market.[5] Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs), defined as networks employing no fixed infrastructure and having communication links less than 10 meters in length centered on an individual, form another example: the HomeRF 1.0 specification, released in January 1999 by the Home RF [sic] Working Group, has a raw data rate of 800 kb/s with an optional 1.6 Mb/s mode;[6] the Bluetooth™ 1.0 specification, released in July 1999 by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) and later standardized as IEEE 802.15.1,[7] has a raw data rate of 1 Mb/s;[8], [9] and IEEE 802.15.3, released in June 2003, has a maximum raw data rate of 55 Mb/s.[10] Both the 802.11 and 802.15 organizations have begun the definition of protocols with data throughputs greater than 100 Mb/s.
Other potential wireless network applications exist, however. These applications, which have relaxed throughput requirements and are often measured in a few bits per day, include industrial control and monitoring; home automation and consumer electronics; security and military sensing; asset tracking and supply chain management; intelligent agriculture; and health monitoring.[11] Because most of these low-data-rate applications involve sensing of one form or another, networks supporting them have been called wireless sensor networks, or Low-Rate WPANs (LR-WPANs), because they require short-range links without a preexisting infrastructure. An overview of applications for wireless sensor networks follows.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/TTZUree/Wireless Sensor Networks Architectures and Protocols - CRC Press.chm
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Design of Simple and Robust Process Plants (J. L. A. Koolen].pdf
Over the years, many scientists have pondered the fundamentals of engineering disciplines, including the strategy of process engineering and the logistics of chemical manufacturing. ln turn, this has led to many system studies and even schools of study of the process design engineer’s vvorlc. Although many rules and regulations have been developed for system studies, production scheduling and
production logistics, very fevv of these are actually used in the process industry.
The book assumes that the reader does not know much about process control.
Accordingly, Chapter 1 presents the very basics of process control. While several things are presented in Chapter 1, the main goals of the chapter are (1) to present why process control is needed, (2) to present the basic components of a control system, (3) to define some terms, and (4) to present the concept of feedback control with its advantages, disadvantages, and limitations.
To do good process control there are at least three things the practitioner should know and fully understand: (1) the process, (2) the process, and (3) the process! Chapter 2 presents a discussion of processes from a very physical point of view. Everything presented in this chapter is used extensively in all remaining chapters.
Chapter 3 presents a discussion of feedback controllers, and specifically, the workhorse in the process industry: the PID controller. A significant effort is made to explain each tuning parameter in detail as well as the different types of controllers, with their advantages and disadvantages. In the chapter we describe how to tune, adjust, or adapt the controller to the process. Finally, we discuss the important topics of reset windup, tracking, and tuning flow and level loops. Throughout the presentation, the use of distributed control systems (DCSs) is stressed. Problems are presented
at the end of Chapters 2 and 3 to practice what was presented.
This is not a book about how to use LabVIEW or even a book on learning digital signal processing (DSP). Instead it is more of a practical guide on how to enable LabVIEW to tackle some real-world DSP and communication problems. This book assumes that the reader has a good grasp of many of the complex issuesencountered in DSP and digital communications and also is at least skilled enough in LabVIEW to build a VI. When necessary, the book will dive into the heart of signal processing topics and their implications will be explored. Certain topics will be explained in enough detail so that the reader will know there is no hand waving or mystery involved. This material is meant to bridge the gap
between obtaining theoretical knowledge and actually exercising that knowledge. LabVIEW provides us with an excellent set of tools for examining all sorts f DSP and digital communication topics. Its graphical nature allows us to quickly and efficiently get to the core of a communication problem without all the overhead that generally accompanies a digital communication system. This book will start out at the beginning of the DSP realm—sampling a signal. The intermediate chapters will cover some basic building blocks and the final chapters will put it all together as a digital communication system.
PracticaI Modern.SCADA.ProtocoIs.DNP3.60870.and.Related.Systems.pdf
This is a comprehensive book covering the essentials of SCADA communication systems focusing on
DNP3 and the other new developments in this area. It commences with a brief review of the
fundamentals of SCADA systems hardware, software and the typical communications systems (such
as RS-232, RS-485, Ethernet and TCP/IP) that connect the SCADA operator stations together.
A solid review is then done on the DNP3 and IEC 60870-5 protocol where the features, message
structure, practical benefits and applications are discussed. The book is intended to be product
independent but examples will be taken from existing products to ensure that all aspects of the
protocols are covered.
DNP3 is an open protocol developed by Harris Controls Division, Distributed Automation Products in the early 1990s and released to the industry based DNP3 Users Group in November 1993. Much of the material on DNP3 contained within this text is based substantially on the documentation available from the DNP3 Users Group, with interpretation and presentation by the author. The author has tried to identify cases in the text where material has been reproduced directly from user group standards or other sources, and apology is offered if there are any inadvertent oversights in doing this.
This book provides you with the tools to design your next SCADA system more effectively using
open protocols and to draw on the latest technologies.
After reading this you should be able to:
Explain the fundamentals of DNP3 and associated SCADA protocols
Demonstrate knowledge of the ‘nuts and bolts’ about selecting DNP3 based systems
Apply the best current practice for data communications for SCADA systems
Have a good working knowledge of the DNP3 and IEC 60870-5 protocols
Troubleshoot simple problems with the DNP3
Explain how UCA is structured and works
Provide a working explanation of SCADA protocols and how they should be structured and applied
Apply ‘best practice’ decisions on the best and most cost effective use of
SCADA open protocols for your company
Prentice Hall- PLC Programming Methods and Applications.pdf
Most textbooks related to programmable controllers start with the basics of ladder logic, Boolean algebra, contacts, coils and all the other aspects of learning to program PLCs. However, once they get more deeply into the subject, they generally narrow the field of view to one particular manufacturer's unit (usually one of the more popular brands and models), and concentrate on programming that device with it's capabilities and peculiarities. This is worthwhile if the desire is to learn to program that unit. However, after finishing the PLC course, the student will most likely be employed in a position designing, programming, and maintaining systems using PLCs of another brand or model, or even more likely, many machines with many different brands and models of PLC. It seems to the authors that it would be more advantageous to approach the study of PLCs using a general language that provides a thorough knowledge of programming concepts that can be adapted to all controllers. This language would be based on a collection of different manufacturer types with generally the same programming technique and capability. Although it would be impossible to teach one programming language and technique that would be applicable to each and every programmable controller on the market, the student can be given a thorough insight into programming methods with this general approach which will allow him or her to easily adapt to any PLC encountered. Therefore, the goal of this text is to help the student develop a good general working knowledge of programmable controllers with concentration on relay ladder logic techniques and how the PLC is connected to external components in an operating control system. In the course of this work, the student will be presented with real world programming problems that can be solved on any available programmable controller or PLC simulator. Later chapters in this text relate to more advanced subjects that are more suitable for an advanced course in machine controls. The authors desire that this text not only be used to learn programmable logic controllers, but also that this text will become part of the student’s personal technical reference library.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/FVxuTCt/Prentice Hall - PLC Programming Methods and Applications.pdf
Productive Safety Management.pdf
Productive Safety Management described in this book is a multi-disciplinary, total management system that embraces occupational health and safety (OHS), human resource and environmental management, and engineering fields. The book has wide application and has been written for managers and supervisors
working in hazardous industries, OHS practitioners, university lecturers, graduate and post-graduate students, management professionals and engineers.
The aims of the book are to:
provide a management system that allows production, safety and quality to be pursued concurrently in hazardous industries;
improve the understanding of the nature of risk and its impact on company systems;
improve risk management so that injuries are prevented and damage is minimized;
describe, by way of practical example, the sources of risk in hazardous industries and how these can be managed;
provide a method for ranking relative levels of risk so that managers are able to confidently allocate resources for risk reduction and control;
enhance the understanding of organizational decision-making as it relates to the development of safety systems;
explain that legal compliance and social responsibility are prerequisites for sustainable business;
give managers the behavioral skills to implement the management system effectively;
explain how to develop a strong productive safety culture;
explain how to build workforce competencies and maximize the return on investment in training; and
present a performance management system that provides structure, accountability and feedback using measures that balance productivity, safety, quality, financial and customer, compliance and social responsibility objectives.
Wiley SA Sons - Broadband Powerline Communications - Network Design.pdf
PowerLine Communications technology allows the usage of electrical power supply
networks for communications purposes and, today, also broadband communication services. The main idea behind PLC is the reduction in operational costs and expenditure for realization of new telecommunications networks. Using electrical supply networks for telecommunications has also been known since the beginning of the twentieth century. Thus high-, medium- and low-voltage supply networks have been used for internal communications of electrical utilities and for the realization of remote measuring and control tasks. PLC is also used in internal electrical installations within buildings and homes (the so-called in-home PLC) for various communications applications. Generally,
we can divide PLC systems into two groups: narrowband PLC allowing communications services with relatively low data rates (up to 100 kbps) and ensuring realization of various automation and control applications as well as a few voice channels, and broadband PLC systems allowing data rates beyond 2Mbps and, accordingly, realization of a number of typical telecommunications services in parallel, such as telephony and internet access. Broadband PLC in low-voltage supply networks seems to be a cost-effective solution for “last mile” communications networks, the so-called PLC access networks. Nowadays, there are many activities concerned with the development and application of PLC technology
in the access area. Thus, we find a number of manufacturers offering PLC products that ensure data rates between 2 and 4Mbps and announcing new PLC systems with data rates up to 45 Mbps or more. There are also numerous PLC field trials worldwide, as well as several PLC access networks in commercial use.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/FBfMJjA/Wireless Sensor Networks Architectures and Protocols - CRC Press.chm
Computer-based supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems have evolved over the past 40 years, from standalone, compartmentalized operations into networked architectures that communicate across large distances. In addition, their implementations have migrated from custom hardware and software to standard hardware and software platforms. These changes have led to reduced dvelopment, operational, and maintenance costs as well as providing executive management with real-time information that can be used to support planning, supervision, and decision making. These benefits, however, come with a cost. The once semi-isolated industrial control systems using proprietary
hardware and software are now vulnerable to intrusions through external networks, including the Internet, as well as from internal personnel. These attacks take advantage of vulnerabilities in standard platforms, such as Windows, and PCs that have been adopted for use in SCADA systems.
This situation might be considered a natural progression of moderate concern—as in many other areas using digital systems—if it were not for the fact that these SCADA systems are controlling a large percentage of the United States’ and the world’s critical infrastructures, such as nuclear power plants,electricity generating plants, pipelines, refineries, and chemical plants. In addition, they are directly and indirectly involved in providing services to seaports, transportation systems, pipelines, manufacturing plants, and many other critical enterprises.
Broadband Powerline Communications - Network Design.pdf
Product Description
Broadband Powerline Communications: Network Design covers the applications of broadband PLC systems in low-voltage supply networks, a promising candidate for the realization of cost effective solutions for “last mile” communications networks. There are many activities surrounding the development and application of PLC technology in the access area, particularly because of strong interest of new network providers after the deregulation of telecommunications market. Nowadays, there are no existing standards for broadband PLC networks, which use a frequency range up to 30 MHz.
This book includes relevant and timely information regarding broadband PLC systems and especially PLC access networks and contributions to the design aspects of broadband PLC access systems and their network components.
This book:
• Offers explanations on how broadband PLC networks are realized, what the important characteristics for the transmission on electrical power grids are, and which implementation solutions have been recently considered for the realization of broadband PLC systems.
• Considers various system realizations, disturbance scenarios and their impact the transmission in PLC networks, electro-magnetic compatibility, applied modulation schemes, coding, and error handling methods.
• Pays particular attention to the specifics of the PLC MAC layer and its protocols, as well as the modelling and performance evaluation of broadband PLC networks.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/QYzPM3J/Wiley & Sons - Broadband Powerline Communications - Network Design.pdf
<TODO> Some sections are still in point form. The last major task of this book will be to write the preface to reflect the book contents and all of the features.
Control systems apply artificial means to change the behavior of a system. The type of control problem often determines the type of control system that can be used. Each controller will be designed to meet a specific objective. The major types of control are shown in Figure 1.1.
Continuous - The values to be controlled change smoothly. e.g. the speed of a car. • Logical - The value to be controlled are easily described as on-off. e.g. the car motor is on-off. NOTE: all systems are continuous but they can be treated as logical for simplicity.
e.g. “When I do this, that always happens!” For example, when the power is turned on, the press closes!
• Linear - Can be described with a simple differential equation. This is the preferred starting point for simplicity, and a common approximation for real world problems.
e.g. A car can be driving around a track and can pass same the same spot at a constant velocity. But, the longer the car runs, the mass decreases, and it travels faster, but requires less gas, etc. Basically, the math gets tougher, and the problem becomes non-linear.
e.g. We are driving the perfect car with no friction, with no drag, and can predict how it will work perfectly.
• Non-Linear - Not Linear. This is how the world works and the mathematics become much more complex.
e.g. As rocket approaches sun, gravity increases, so control must change.
• Sequential - A logical controller that will keep track of time and previous events.
Electrical Engineering - Digital Data Measurement.pdf
This handbook is intended for newcomers to the field of data acquisition and signal conditioning. Emphasis is given to general discussions of ADC measurement and the signal conditioning requirements of selected transducer types. For more detailed descriptions of the signal conditioning schemes discussed, contact IOtech for Applications
Notes and Product Specification Sheets. Additional information on IOtech products is available in Chapter 9, a product selection guide.
Most measurements begin with a transducer, a device that converts a measurable physical quality, such as temperature, strain, or acceleration, to an electrical signal. Transducers are available for a wide range of measurements, and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and specifications. This book is intended to serve as a primer for making measurements by interfacing transducers to a computer using signal conditioning.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/7xqursp/Electrical Engineering - Digital Data Measurement.pdf
Elsevier, SensorTechnology l-landbook_MAZ.pdf
Elsevier, SensorTechnology l-landbook_MAZ.pdf
In this volume, we attempted to balance breadth and depth in a single, practical and up-to-date resource. Understanding sensor design and operation typically requires a cross-disciplinary background, as it draws from electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. This reference pulls together the most crucial information needed by those who design sensor systems and work with sensors of all types, written by experts from industry and academia. While it would be impossible to cover each and every sensor in use today, we attempted to provide as broad a range of sensor types and applications as possible. The latest technologies, from piezo materials to micro and nano sensors to wireless networks, are discussed, as well as the tried and true methodologies. In addition, information on design, interfacing and signal conditioning is given for each sensor type.
Organized primarily by sensor application, the book is cross-referenced with indices of sensor technology. Manufacturers are listed by sensor type. The other contributors and I have attempted to provide a useful handbook with technical explanations that are clear, simple and thorough. We will also attempt to keep it updated as the technology advances.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/ZHm4n8Z/Elsevier, Sensor Technology Handbook_MAZ.pdf
Engineering Measurements Methods and Intrinsic Errors.pdf
Over the years, many scientists have pondered the fundamentals of engineering disciplines, including the strategy of process engineering and the logistics of chemical manufacturing. ln turn, this has led to many system studies and even schools of study of the process design engineer’s vvorlc. Although many rules and regulations have been developed for system studies, production scheduling and production logistics, very fevv of these are actually used in the process industry.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/TnYSk2f/Engineering Measurements Methods and Intrinsic Errors.pdf
good Interfacing Sensors To The PC.pdf
This book presents ha.rdwa.re and software designs for interfacing a variety of sensors to the IBM PC. it discusses each sensor and the associated electronic circuitry necessary to condition its output for interface to the PC. Examples for the use of each sensor together with a computer program that shows how to capture and use the information provided by the sensor are also included.
In this book, three different programming languages will be used for examples:
BASIC, assembly language, and C. We give BASIC examples because this is the language most likely to be understood by the majority of the readers. We provide Intel 8088 assembly language examples to demonstrate use of the language that can extract the maximal performance from the computer.
We use C language examples to show the language that is the best compromise for instrumentation applications combining features of both high and low level languages. C provides a signilicant improvement over assembly language for implementing many applications. It is standardized and structured. Programs are based on functions that can be evolved independently of one another and put together to implement an application. These functions are to software what black boxes are to hardware. tf their 1/O properties are carefully specified in advance, functions cart be developed by many different software designers working on different aspects of the same project. These functions cart then be linked together to implement the software design of a system.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/GBNcEDe/good Interfacing Sensors To The PC.pdf
Good Sensors Applications - Vol2. Sensors in Intelligent Buildings [W...
Both the publishers and the series editors, however, were agreed from the start that eventually sensor users would want to see publications only dealing with their own specific technical or scientific fields. Sure enough, during the Nineties we saw significant developments in applications for sensor technology, and it is now an indispensable part of many industrial processes and systems. It is timely, therefore, to launch a new series, Sensors Applications. WILEY-VCH again commissioned Wolfgang Göpel and Joachim Hesse to plan the series, but sadly Wolfgang Göpel suffered a fatal accident in June 1999 and did not live to see publication. We are fortunate that Julian Gardner of the University of Warwick has been able to take his place, but Wolfgang Göpel remains a co-editor posthumously and will not be forgotten.
The series of Sensors Applications will deal with the use of sensors in the key technical and economic sectors and systems: Sensors in Manufacturing, Intelligent Buildings, Medicine and Health Care, Automotive Technology, Aerospace Technology, Environmental Technology and Household Appliances. Each volume will be edited by specialists in the field. Individual volumes may differ in certain respects as dictated by the topic
http://www.fileserve.com/file/UFzqj3j/good Sensors Applications - Vol2. Sensors in Intelligent Buildings [Wiley & Sons].pdf
good Sensors_AppIications_VoI1.Sensors_in_Manufacturing.pdf
The series of Sensors Applications will deal with the use of sensors in the key
technical and economic sectors and systems: Sensors in Manufacturing, Intelligent
Buildings, Medicine and Health Care, Automotive Technology, Aerospace Technology,
Environmental Technology and Household Appliances. Each volume will be edited by
specialists in the field. Individual volumes may differ in certain respects as dictated
by the topic, but the emphasis in each case will be on the process or system
in question: which sensor is used, where, how and why, and exactly what the benefits
are to the user. The process or system itself will of course be outlined and the volume will close with a look ahead to likely developments and applications in
the future. Actual sensor functions will only be described where it seems necessary
for an understanding of how they relate to the process or system. The basic
principles can always be found in the earlier series of Sensors and Sensors Update.
The series editors would like to express their warm appreciation in the colleagues
who have contributed their expertise as volume editors or authors. We are
deeply indebted to the publisher and would like to thank in particular Dr. Peter
Gregory, Dr. Jörn Ritterbusch and Dr. Claudia Barzen for their constructive assistance
both with the editorial detail and the publishing venture in general. We
trust that our endeavors will meet with the reader’s approval.
Handbook of Sensor Networkspact Wireless.pdf
As the field of communications networks continues to evolve, a very interesting and challenging area wireless sensor networks — is rapidly coming of age. A wireless sensor network consists of a large number of sensor nodes that may be randomly and densely deployed. Sensor nodes are small electronic components capable of sensing many types of information from the environment, including temperature; light; humidity; radiation; the presence or nature of biological organisms; geological features; seismic vibrations; specific types of computer data; and more. Recent advancements have made it possible to make these components small, powerful, and energy efficient and they can now be manufactured cost-effectively in quantity for specialized telecommunications applications. Very small in size, the sensor nodes are capable of gathering, processing, and communicating information to other nodes and to the outside world. Based on the information handling capabilities and compact size of the sensor nodes, sensor networks are often referred to as “smart dust.”
Sensor networks have numerous applications, including health; agriculture; geology; retail; military; home; and emergency management. Sensor network research and development derive many concepts and protocols from distributed computer networks such as the Internet; however, several technical challenges in sensor networks need to be addressed due to the specialized nature of the sensors and the fact that many sensor network applications may involve remote mobile sensors with limited power sources that must dynamically adapt to their environment. This handbook proposes to capture the current state of sensor networks and to serve as a source of comprehensive reference material on them.
The handbook has a total of 40 chapters written by experts from around the world and is divided into the following nine sections:
1. Introduction
2. Applications
3. Architecture
4. Protocols
5. Tracking technologies
6. Data gathering and processing
7. Energy management
8. Security, reliability, and fault tolerance
9. Performance and design aspects
The targeted audience for this handbook includes professionals who are designers and/or planners for emerging telecommunication networks; researchers (faculty members and graduate students); and those who would like to learn about this field.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/ccmWs5B/Handbook of Sensor Networkspact Wireless.pdf
Linear Position Sensors_Theory and Application (Wiley,2003].pdf
Sensors are used in cars to measure many safety- and performance-related parameters, including throttle position, temperature, composition of the exhaust gas, suspension height, pedal position, transmission gear position, and
vehicle acceleration. In clothes-washing machines, sensors measure water level and temperature, load size, and drum position variation. Industrial process machinery requires the measurement of position, velocity, and acceleration, in addition to chemical composition, process pressure, temperature, and so on.
Position measurement comprises a large portion of the worldwide requirement for sensors. In this book we explain the theory and application of the technologies used in sensors and transducers for the measurement of linear position.
There is often some hesitation in selecting the proper word, sensor or transducer, since the meanings of the terms are somewhat overlapping in normal use. In Chapter 1 we present working definitions of these and other, sometimes
confusing, terms used in the field of sensing technology. In Chapter 2 we explain how the performance of linear position transducers is specified. In the remaining chapters we present the theory supporting an understanding of the
prominent technologies in use in linear position transducer products. Application guidance and examples are included.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/9ZsaeWr/Linear Position Sensors_Theory and Application (Wiley,2003).pdf
Radio Engineering forWireless Communication and SensorAppl.pdf
This book provides the reader with the basics in radio engineering, the techniques needed to generate, control, detect, and use radio waves. The text approaches the relevant problems both from the electromagnetic theory based on Maxwell’s equations and from the circuit theory based on Kirchoff and Ohm’s laws. Brief introductions to the electromagnetic theory as well as to the circuit theory are provided. Besides passive transmission lines and components, active RF circuits are also addressed. The treatment of the fundamentals of antennas and radio wave propagation in this book leads the reader to radio systems with noise and modulation considerations. Finally, a broad range of applications are described in addition to various wireless communication applications: radionavigation, radar, radiometry, remote sensing, radio astronomy, RF sensors, power and medical applications, and electronic warfare. The book ends with a short review of biological effects and safety standards. While numerous books specializing in various topics of radio engineering are available, this book gives a well-balanced, general overview of the whole topic. To the authors’ knowledge, there are no similar books available.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/fkQsARz/Radio Engineering for Wireless Communication and Sensor Appl.pdf
SensorArray Signal Processing.pdf
The book is based on a course entitled “Digital Array Processing” offered to the graduate students who had already taken a course on digital signal processing (DSP) and a course on modern spectrum analysis (MSA). It has been my conviction that a student should be exposed to all basic concepts cutting across the different disciplines without being burdened with the questions of practical applications which are usually dealt with in specialty courses. The most satisfying experience is that there is a common thread that connects seemingly different tools used in different disciplines. An example is beamformation, a commonly used tool in radar/sonar, which has a close similarity with stacking used in seismic exploration. I have tried to bring out in this exposition the common thread that exists in the analysis of wavefields used in a wide variety of application areas. The proposed book has a significantly different flavor, both in coverage and depth in comparison with the ones on the market [1-5]. The first book, edited by Haykin, is a collection of chapters, each devoted to an application. It rapidly surveys the state of art in respective application areas but does not go deep enough and describe the basic mathematical theory required for the understanding of array processing. The second book by Ziomek is entirely devoted to array signal processing in
underwater acoustics. It covers in great depth the topic of beamformation by linear and planar arrays but confines to linear methods. Modern array processing tools do not find a place in this book. The third book by Pillai [3] has a very narrow scope as it deals with in great detail only the subspace based methods.
The fourth book by Bouvet and Bienvenu (Eds) is again a collection of papers largely devoted to modern subspace techniques. It is not suitable as a text.
Finally, the present book has some similarities with a book by Johnson and Dudgeon [3] but differs in one important respect, namely, it does not cover the application of arrays to imaging though a brief mention of tomography is made. Also, the present book covers newer material which was not available at the time of the publication of the book by Johnson and Dudgeon
http://www.fileserve.com/file/zA8k6bB/Sensor Array Signal Processing.pdf
Sensors and methodsfor mobile robot positioning.pdf
This book presents and discusses the state-of-the-art in each of the above six categories. The
material is organized in two parts: Part I deals with the sensors used in mobile robot positioning, and Part II discusses the methods and techniques that make use of these sensors.
Mobile robot navigation is a very diverse area, and a useful comparison of different approaches
is difficult because of the lack of commonly accepted test standards and procedures. The esearch
platforms used differ greatly and so do the key assumptions used in different approaches. Further
difficulty arises from the fact that different systems are at different stages in their development. For example, one system may be commercially available, while another system, perhaps with better performance, has been tested only under a limited set of laboratory conditions. For these reasons we generally refrain from comparing or even judging the performance of different systems or techniques. Furthermore, we have not tested most of the systems and techniques, so the results and specifications given in this book are merely quoted from the respective research papers or product spec-sheets.
Because of the above challenges we have defined the purpose of this book to be a survey of the
expanding field of mobile robot positioning. It took well over 1.5 man-years to gather and compile the material for this book; we hope this work will help the reader to gain greater understanding in much less time.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/heSwSMM/Sensors and methods for mobile robot positioning.pdf
Sensors.and.Transducers -3ed_MAZ.pdf
This Lhird ediLion o[` Sem.mr.v and Trmz.m'ure2r.v has been Lhoroughlv revised LO Lake aeeounL o[` Lhe ever-increasing role o[` Lhese eomponenLs and of improvements in design. New Lables ol` properLies and illusLraLions have also been added. The Lopie of swiLehes and swimhing aeLions has also been added beeause so many types of sensor are intended ulLimaLelv LO provide a swimhing ae Lion.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/Aj66Z2w/Sensors.and.Transducers -3ed_MAZ.pdf
Topology Control in Wireless Ad l-loc and Sensor Networks by Paolo...
The material and organization of this book have been adapted from the tutorial I presented at ACM Mobicom 2003, and later on at ACM MobiHoc 2004. In turn, the tutorial finds its origin in a survey paper on topology control that I wrote at the beginning of 2003, which is still in technical report form (the processing time of some journals is actually longer than the time needed to write a book. . .).
The aim of this book is to provide a unique reference resource on topology control in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, a topic that has been a subject of intensive research in recent years. Indeed, this research field is far from being settled, and several new results and proposals are being published. This explains why writing a book on topology control has been very challenging for me. I have done my best to include in the book the most significant results and findings in the field, while at the same time describing in detail the many problems that are still to be solved. While I have tried to be as exhaustive as I could in presenting the topology control approaches introduced in the literature, the reader should bear in mind that what is reported in this book is a picture of this research field taken at the beginning of year 2005.
Link :
http://www.fileserve.com/file/fxcjBhC/Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks by Paolo Santi (2005).pdf
Wireless Sensor Networks Architectures and Protocols - CRC Press.c...
In recent years, the desire for connectivity has caused an exponential growth in wireless communication. Wireless data networks, in particular, have led this trend due to the increasing exchange of data in Internet services such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, and data file transfers. The capabilities needed to deliver such services are characterized by an increasing need for data throughput in the network; applications now under development, such as wireless multimedia distribution in the home, indicate that this trend will continue. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) provide an example of this phenomenon. The original (1997) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) WLAN standard, 802.11, had a gross data rate of 2 megabits per second (Mb/s);[2], [3] the most popular variant now is 802.11b, with a rate of 11 Mb/s;[4] and 802.11a, with a rate of 54 Mb/s, is now entering the market.[5] Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs), defined as networks employing no fixed infrastructure and having communication links less than 10 meters in length centered on an individual, form another example: the HomeRF 1.0 specification, released in January 1999 by the Home RF [sic] Working Group, has a raw data rate of 800 kb/s with an optional 1.6 Mb/s mode;[6] the Bluetooth™ 1.0 specification, released in July 1999 by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) and later standardized as IEEE 802.15.1,[7] has a raw data rate of 1 Mb/s;[8], [9] and IEEE 802.15.3, released in June 2003, has a maximum raw data rate of 55 Mb/s.[10] Both the 802.11 and 802.15 organizations have begun the definition of protocols with data throughputs greater than 100 Mb/s.
Other potential wireless network applications exist, however. These applications, which have relaxed throughput requirements and are often measured in a few bits per day, include industrial control and monitoring; home automation and consumer electronics; security and military sensing; asset tracking and supply chain management; intelligent agriculture; and health monitoring.[11] Because most of these low-data-rate applications involve sensing of one form or another, networks supporting them have been called wireless sensor networks, or Low-Rate WPANs (LR-WPANs), because they require short-range links without a preexisting infrastructure. An overview of applications for wireless sensor networks follows.
http://www.fileserve.com/file/TTZUree/Wireless Sensor Networks Architectures and Protocols - CRC Press.chm
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