[Mediafire]Download Inventor PRO 2012 [ 64-x, english (+ Inventor Fusion) 2011]

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Autodesk Inventor PRO 2012 [ 64-x, english (+ Inventor Fusion) 2011] | 3.5GB

The new version of the popular CAD package.
Highlights of the most notable:
Support for import of new versions of Rhino, CATIA, Parasolid, and NX. Import Auto kadovskih surfaces and wires. Many small improvements in the interface. And most importantly: Inventor Fusion, an innovative tool uses a powerful blend of classic 3D simulation capabilities and CAD.
Additional Information:
The distribution of the only 64-bit English version.
The image must be installed Daemon Tools Lite or a similar program.

Treatment procedure:

1) enter any numbers in the window seryinogo number and product key from a file read.txt
2) Run the program, wait until you Licence Screen
3) Press Mem Patch
4) Ckopirovat authentication code to *****
5) Click Generate button
6) Insert the activation code in the program

System requirements:

Intel Pentium 4 2 GHz or higher, Intel Xeon, Intel Core, AMD Athlon 64 or AMD Opteron processor, or later
2 GB RAM or more
Microsoft Direct3D 10 or Direct3D 9 compatible video card
No less than 1,280 x 1,024 screen resolution
Connecting to the internet to download content and access subscriptions
Adobe Flash Player 10
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x it is desirable to eight
Microsoft Excel 2003 preferably 2010 to iFeatures, iParts, iAssemblies and spreadsheet engineering calculations
Microsoft. Net Framework 4.0

Name of Program: Autodesk Inventor PRO 2012
Software version: 2012 1964-x
Latest version: 2012
Language: english
Treatment: Complete
Type of medicine: *****


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