EBOOK - Kiểm chất bôi trơn và phụ gia dùng cho xe ô tô - Simon Tung

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EBOOK - Kiểm chất bôi trơn và phụ gia dùng cho xe ô tô - Simon Tung.

This book represents the work of several authors at the 1st Symposium organized by D02 to focus on automotive lubricant testing and advanced additive development. This symposium was held at Lake Buena Vista, Florida, in conjunction with the meeting in December 2006 of the ASTM D02 sub-committee “Fuels & Lubricants”.
In order to help automotive industry meet lower emission standards, higher fuel economy goals, and loger drain intervals associated with a minimization of any adverse effects of lubricants to the environment, the petroleum industries and the additive suppliers are developing low SAPS sulfated ash, phosphorus and sulfurand high tribological performance lubricants to meet these challenges. New developments in powertrain system design and advanced additive formulation are essential in addressing these problems. This ASTM symposium has provided an outstanding forum to discuss how OEMs and lubricant companies are solving real engineering problems to increase fuel economy and meet emissions legislation together.
This symposium publication is focused on both the chemical and tribological aspects of the functional performance of automotive lubricant and testing. In this symposium, recent advances in additive and base oil chemistry and function have been covered in details; product formulation for engine performance and the link between additive chemistry and emissions have been discussed. Tribological performance issues such as fuel economy retention, wear protection and friction reduction as well as their retention over drain, engine durability, and future challenges, including advanced powertrain developments, new lubricant test methods outside of the application, lubricant formulations, and correlation between lubricant formulation and engine performance are the key subjects.




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